Saturday, May 12, 2012

Her price is far above rubies

As we near Mother's Day this year, think about the precious impact Godly mothers have on the lives of their children. I am reminded of the verse, “Her children shall rise and call her blessed.” I grew up in the lap of luxury-not the type of luxury that most people consider. Instead, I was surrounded by the luxury of a Godly heritage. For generations, my family has followed Christ. I don’t take that lightly. I know what a true blessing it has been. My mom reminds me of the scripture in Proverbs 31:10, "Who can find a virtuous woman for her worth is far above rubies." I am completely spoiled by the "above-ruby" mother that I am accustomed to. Mother’s Day is a special day to me because I believe that I had the best mother you could imagine. Growing up, our home was like a greenhouse-a place where we children learned character, values, and integrity. For Mom, loving God was a passionate pursuit and a way of life-not just going to church (although, we were always faithful). She taught us to seek the Lord for everything. She also reminded us that God doesn’t often speak to us in loud booms. More often, he speaks in a still small voice. So, she taught us to be prepared to respond when that still, small voice pricks our hearts. It doesn’t seem to say enough, but “thank you” to the mothers who make sure their children are capable of carrying on the sweet heritage of a Godly lineage.

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