Wednesday, October 12, 2011

October Church News

October Church News

Monroe First Congregational Holiness Church
1113 South Broad Street
Monroe, Georgia 30655
Pastor Greg Baldwin
Sunday School 10:00, Sunday Worship Service 11:00 & 6:00,
Tuesday Worship Service 7:30
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Here at Monroe CH Church, we are a family of believers. We want to capture the hearts of every generation and join together in pressing “toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Thank you for joining with us to magnify and worship the Lord today. If you don’t already have a home church, we would love to have you with us each week. Along with our mid-week service on Tuesdays, we also have small groups on Tuesdays. We are certain that we have something suited for you.
Weekly Sunday School Trivia Questions
October 2nd~ Who sharpened the tools for the Israelites when they had no blacksmiths?
October 9th~Whose name means “Because I asked him of the Lord?”
October 16th~How old was Noah when the Great Flood occurred?
October 23rd~ How many arrows Joash shoot into the ground at Elisha’s command?
Nursery Guidelines
The nursery is staffed by one adult and one young adult and will be
available during the sermon portion of the service.
Words for Life
“Don’t doubt in the darkness what you knew to be true in light.” I heard that on You Tube the other day. It really resonated with me. My car is red-always has been, always will be. At night, in darkness, my perception of its color may change; but, it is only my perception that changes-the color remains the same. I recently watched “Soul Surfer.” In it, they have a Bible study. During one of the lessons, the leader tells the class, “If you’re dealing with something that’s hard to handle or just plain doesn’t make sense, do whatever it takes to get some perspective. Talk to your parents, a friend…pray about it. From a different point of view, you’ll often discover that things aren’t quite as confusing as they seem.” No doubt God has made you a promise. At times, when it seems as if you’re going through a dark night, it may be hard to see that God is fulfilling His promise to you. But, remember, God’s promise has not changed. Psalm 34:5-6,8 NLT says, “Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; He saved me from all my troubles. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!” Don’t doubt what the Lord has promised you. He has a will and a purpose. Even if your circumstances have changed, God is still the same.
Prayer Requests
In your prayer time this week, please remember:
Dee Cordle, Melissa Christian, Tony Howard, Shane Charles, Brandon Keene and Jonathon Carter (deployed soldiers), Gary Butler, Bro Billy Autry, Sherman and Joy Baldwin, Robert and Glenna Deel, Gene McCullough, Eva and Delano Casper and Martha Brand, Lisa Perry, Jill Thornton & Scott Williams.
§  October 6th~Brotherhood Meeting @ 7:30
§  October 9th-12th~Revival with Jonathan Church
§  October 17th~WM’s
§  October 21~Dinner & a movie. Dinner @ 6:00; Movie @ 7:30. Pastor’s Pals-Bro. Greg & Sis Tina will provide child care in the nursery during the movie. Menu & movie to be announced soon.
§  Nursing Home Ministry is the first Saturday of each month. Sister Judy Daniel directs this ministry & would appreciate your prayers & support
§  Christmas in Mexico~we will be sending Christmas poppers to the Monroe Church in Mexico again this Christmas. Please start bringing the following items: toilet paper rolls, bags of individually wrapped candy (no chocolate-it melts), small toys (balloons, crayons, small bouncy balls, etc.), and Christmas wrapping paper.
§  Remember to check the projection for additional announcements.

October Birthdays
Amanda Bryson~October 2nd
Johnnie Bryson~October 3rd
Delisa McDaniel~October 5th
Wesley Michael October 20th
Haley Lazenby October 28th

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