September Church News
Monroe First Congregational Holiness Church
1113 South Broad Street
Monroe, Georgia 30655
Pastor Greg Baldwin
Sunday School 10:00, Sunday Worship Service 11:00 & 6:00,
Tuesday Worship Service 7:30
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Thank you for being here to join us in worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth. We long to give Him a sacrifice of praise today. Our goal is to be a body of believers, uniting in truth. If you don’t already have a home church, we would love to have you with us each week. Along with our mid-week service on Tuesdays, we also have small groups on Tuesdays. We are certain that we have something suited for you.
Weekly Sunday School Trivia Questions
August 28th~Who led a rebellion against the authority of Moses and the ground swallowed him up?
September 4th~The gift of the Holy Spirit that was given in Acts 2 was spoken by which prophet of the Old Testament?
September 11th~Who did Ruth marry after her first husband died?
September 18th~What sign did God give to Hezekiah so he would know that God would add fifteen years to his life?
Prayer Requests
In your prayer time this week, please remember:
Dee Cordle, Melissa Christian, Tony Howard, Shane Charles, Brandon Keene and Jonathon Carter (deployed soldiers), Gary Butler, Bro Billy Autry, Amber Kinkaid, Sherman and Joy Baldwin, Robert and Glenna Deel, Gene McCullough, Eva and Delano Casper, Lisa Perry, Scott Williams, Judy Daniel, David Pac, Sandra Phillips, Betty Hicks, LeWanda Ramey, Curtis McDougal.
Words for Life
I was thinking about the Youth Service that we had at the beginning of August. As we were preparing for it, I knew that it would be a completely different type of service than what we are used to. But, then, I thought maybe that’s what worship is all about. I was reminded of David. Psalm 40:3 NLT says, “He gave me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.” You know, I love Mexican food. At times, I feel like I could eat it for every meal. But, I know that no matter how good it is, after several meals, it would become mundane. Maybe God longs to hear a fresh song from you-for you to forget about the “old” way of doing things. Begin anew. Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” Our spirit cannot thrive on past blessings. Bless God in a new way and see what new thing He has in store for you.
Nursery Guidelines
The nursery is staffed by one adult and one young adult and will be available during the sermon portion of the service.
§ Remember to check the projection for this month’s announcements. It will include information about Family Night, Brotherhood Meeting, WM’s Meeting, Nursing Home Ministry, and other upcoming events.
§ September 1 – Brotherhood meeting
§ September 3 – Yard Sale at Monroe CH
§ September 4 – No evening service (Labor Day Weekend)
§ September 19 – WMs
§ September 23-24 – WMs Retreat at Union Grove Campground
§ September 30 – Dinner & a Movie at Monroe CH
September Birthdays
Vicki Stewart~September 1st
Leah Cyphers~September 10th
Denise Parish~September 14th
Allene Farmer September 17th
Carolyn Driver~September 22nd
Chris Chancey~September 25th